Weekly Notes 44/24
Written by Danny Krämer
Date: 11/2/2024
After Twitter updated its blocking policy, there was a notable of exodus from Twitter to BlueSky. For example Kelsey Hightower suspended his Twitter account and moved to BlueSky. Several other tech personalities, like Thorsten Ball, are now actively posting there. Could this signal a larger shift from Twitter to BlueSky?
The State of CSS 2024 results have been released. The clear winner appears to be the :has() pseudo-class. Beyond this highlight, the results were largely predictable: Tailwind continues to dominate as the preferred CSS framework, while SASS/SCSS remains the most popular CSS preprocessor.
The State of Frontend Survey 2024 have also been published. Some results:
- TypeScript has become the de facto standard for frontend development
- Vite has emerged as the predominant build tool
- React maintains its position as the most widely used frontend framework
Thorsten Ball had a great conversation with David Albert, the co-founder of the Recurse Center. Their discussion covered various topics, including the nature of learning, whether learning should be enjoyable, and the decision-making process behind building custom tools. Thorsten Ball had a great conversation with David Albert, the co-founder of the Recurse Center. Their discussion covered various topics, including the nature of learning, whether learning should be enjoyable, and the decision-making process behind building custom tools.